How can I access scanned special collections materials and digitized archival resources online?
How do I cite materials from Special Collections & Archives in my paper or research?
I am an alumnus/alumna. How can I access old course catalogs and degree plans?
Special Collections & Archives is here to help you learn more about the history and culture of the lower Rio Grande Valley region. Our special collections focus on the heritage of deep south Texas and northeast Mexico, as well as those of state, national, and international interest.
Please contact us for information on campus visits:
University Library, Brownsville (BLIBR 2.202)
One West University Boulevard
Brownsville, Texas 78520
(956) 882-7968
University Library, Edinburg (ELIBR 4.100)
1201 W University Drive
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 665-2726
Special Collections & University Archives make materials available online via our ScholarWorks Institutional Repository, ScholarWorks Digital Exhibits and UTRGV Omeka Exhibits. Resources on these platforms can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, and are keyword searchable.
The Library does not own the copyright in much of the material in its collection and is therefore unable to grant copyright permission to publish those items. It is the researcher's responsibility to determine copyright and other possible restrictions on reuse (e.g. publicity, privacy, moral rights) and to obtain proper permission when publishing or distributing materials found in these collections. Click here for more information on digital collections rights and use.
The UTRGV Digital Collections help fulfill UTRGV's educational mission. Materials found in these collections are either in the public domain, are made available by permission, or are permitted by an exception such as fair use. Although these materials are publicly accessible, some restrictions on further use may still apply. Permitted uses are limited to research, educational, and scholarly purposes.
If you have any information about an item you've seen in our digital collections, or if you are the copyright owner and believe your work is not properly attributed or is used without proper authorization, please let us know. Send your inquiries to including your contact information and a link to relevant content.
Good news! You can access older course catalogs from our legacy institutions online.
UTRGV Course Catalogs
Older Course Catalogs (legacy institutions)
Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global for recent dissertations and theses. If you are off campus, then you may need to login using your UTRGV credentials to access this online database.
Search our Library Catalog for older dissertations and theses by title, author or key word. Dissertations and theses are located on the 2nd floor of the libraries in Brownsville and Edinburg. Titles archived with Special Collections & Archives are on permanent reserve and cannot be checked out.
UTRGV University Library Special Collections and Archives does not accept unsolicited donations of books or materials. Click here to learn more about donating to Special Collections & Archives.
If you are interested in donating books or materials to the UTRGV University Library, then please visit the Acquisitions & Collection Development webpage for more information:
We do not provide digitization services for non-library, non-course materials, or personal non-archival collection materials. Please consider finding a third-party vendor for digitization services.
We have previously worked with the following organizations.
Local (unaffiliated) community organizations of interest include:
Maximize your time and effort. Let our staff assist you with finding and accessing resources online.
We also invite you to schedule an appointment to meet one-on-one with a member of our Special Collections & Archives staff. Schedule an on-campus research visit or choose to meet online (video chat).